A special architecture project prepared by USF students visualizing the West Tampa Clubhouse reimagined as a future community resource.

What: Annual Summer Social
Where: Center for Architecture & Design, 1208 N Howard Ave., Tampa, FL 33607
When: Tuesday, September 24th, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

They say good things come to those who wait. Well, in keeping with that sentiment, the Centro Español is pleased to announce that the Summer Social that had been planned in June but had to be cancelled, has now been rescheduled!

We hope that you will be able to join us for a special presentation by Adriana Pablos Llona, Assistant Professor, USF School of Architecture and Community Design. The topic will be “Reimagining the Centro Español Building in West Tampa”, a project undertaken by her students who have created several compelling conceptual plans and models of what our ancestral home could become in the future.

The event will be held on Tuesday, September 24, at the Center for Architecture & Design (AIA Tampa Bay) located at 1208 N. Howard Avenue, just a few blocks south of the Centro. There will be no charge to attend but as always, donations will be appreciated. We look forward to seeing you there!

Light food and beverages will be provided.

Seats are limited. If you plan to attend, please click the RSVP button or email us no later than Friday, September 20.